
FIA to rule on F1 race in Bahrain

MADRID (AP)Formula One's governing body will decide Friday whether toreschedule the Bahrain Grand Prix for later this season, with somedrivers and team officials saying the race should be scrapped,ドラクエ10 RMT.Bahrain organizers say they are ready to host the race, whichwas to open the season but was postponed following anti-governmentprotests in February that eventually left at least 30 deadfollowing a brutal crackdown.The Bahraini government lifted emergency rule on Wednesday,maplestory RMT. TheFIA's World Motor Council will decide on rescheduling when itgathers in Barcelona on Friday.Local organizers are hoping for a date around the Nov. 13 AbuDhabi GP,arado rmt, which could push the season into December. F1 boss BernieEcclestone is in favor of the proposal.


NFL draft weekend When hello means goodbye

The NFL draft weekend is a time for entrances both grand andquiet. On the first night, the phone rings, the television lightsgo on, the players ascend the stage in Radio City Music Hall, andthe path to professional football is wide open.By the third day, the phone calls are taken on the living roomcouch, but the players are just as excited to receive the news.Some team somewhere liked them and they are on their way, ready toprove they belong."It's a dream come true," linebacker Casey Matthews saidSaturday afternoon after the Eagles took him with the 19th pickof the fourth round. "They drafted me and now I'm just lookingforward to getting out there."You could cut that quote and paste it onto a couple of hundredplayer reactions from the three-day span. A lot of dreams cametrue. A lot of guys were just happy for the opportunity. A lot ofguys tried not to have too many expectations, but now that wasover, well, it was great to be a team-name-here.The draft is a time for exits as well as entrances, although theexits are never announced and hardly celebrated. Teams select newplayers they hope will jump over incumbent disappointments orreplace departed players, some of whom are not yet officiallydeparted. The smoke signals usually indicate whose career isdrifting away with the wind.While the drafting binge heralded the start of a new chapter forthe team, it might have also officially closed the book on AndyReid's greatest season with the Eagles. By drafting a safety in thesecond round and a kicker in the fourth round, the Eagles kept sawing through thesplintering limb that held veterans Quintin Mikell and DavidAkers.Mikell and Akers were the last remaining members of the SuperBowl team, the final links to the Eagles' greatest days under Reid.Some of the others fell away quickly after the 2004 season, somehung on for quite a while before departing,RMT. And now it seems Mikelland Akers are about to join them.As usual with the Eagles, and with the other 31 NFLteams that operate as a business, it is about the money as well asthe football. This offseason, with uncertainty as to the rules thatwill be in place when the league finally resumes operation, teamsare trying to cover every eventuality.Mikell is a 30-year-old unrestricted free agent, which means theEagles probably weren't going tokeep him regardless. He'd like a long-term contract, but understoodthat is unlikely here. It got a lot more unlikely when the Eagles chose to ignore more apparentneeds on the defensive line and at cornerback and used their firstdefensive selection to take safety Jaiquawn Jarrett fromTemple.Reid said Jarrett reminded him of Brian Dawkins - "If you goacross the middle, he'll blow you up" - and did everything but slotJarrett as the strong safety of the future, perhaps the very nearfuture. According to Reid, the Eagles haven't really focused onwhether Mikell will be back, which is probably a littledisingenuous, but it's not the sort of answer he's ever going togive.As for Akers, the handwriting has been on the wall in bold sincethe ugly end of last season. The Eagles placed a transition tag onAkers, which - if the tag even exists in the future - gives themthe right to match any offer he receives. But that isn't going tohappen.Akers has played 189 games for the Eagles, a record at his position,but he missed two field goals in the playoff game against Green Baylast season, a game the Eagles lost by five points."We can all count. Those points would have helped," Reid said.It was an uncharacteristic slap under any circumstance, but when itcame out that Akers was playing while his young daughter facedimminent cancer surgery, the bond between player and team wasobviously torn,カバル RMT."It's been a nice run. It's not really the way I wanted to goout as an Eagle," Akers said that day, a valedictory that waschiseled in stone when the Eagles drafted kicker Alex Heneryfrom Nebraska on Saturday.If a team cuts a fourth-round pick, the player is owed about$450,000, so kickers are not selected lightly that high. Henerywill make the team,pso2 RMT. He was the best college placekicker in thecountry, making 63 of 65 field goals inside of 50 yards over hisfour-year career."It's not coming in to replace [Akers.] It's coming in to do myjob this upcoming year, is really how I look at it," Henerysaid.The new guys come in. The old guys go out, or perhaps just fadefrom the roster without fanfare. Those are the changes that thedraft set in motion. This year, the last on-field links to theSuper Bowl are among the exits, and their replacements seem to beamong the entrances.It was time for a new Super Bowl year, anyway. At least that'sthe way it seems.Contact columnist Bob Fordat bford@phillynews.com and read his blog atwww.philly.com/postpatterns


P!nk Catches Falling Skier ... With Her C

A skier in Mammoth,ダークブラッド RMT, Calif. hung off a ski lift while being photographed by the P!nkarazzi,カバル RMT.P,pso2 RMT!nk took time out from hitting the slopes with on-again, off-again, on-again husband Carey Hart to help snap pics of the unfortunate skier.Facebook. Tag me.

Age of Conan Unchained After The Switch

By Vincent Haoson, OnRPG JournalistAge of Conan is one the latest titles to shift from the purely subscription based MMO titles to a “hybrid” business model where the game is playable for free while giving bonuses for subscribed players. The hybrid system also introduced the in-game cash shop system to AoC where players both free and premium can buy items in exchange for cash.In theory, the business model seems to be a solid change since the trends these days is that a lot of premium based titles are now shifting to the F2P system with the inclusion of an in-game shop. But did it work for AoC? The answer, based on my observations, is yes, yes it did.One of my gripes in AoC prior to Unchained is that the game lacked players. This was especially true on the low level cities and areas. Even with the 14 day free trial, the game’s early content can barely attract anyone new even with all the “innovations” they implemented into the genre.However, now that I have returned to AoC with a new character – I see a lot of people lounging around cities or running around trying to finish a quest or two. From my previous trial of this game I only saw one or two players running errands. These players are now leading entire teams around the world as large questing parties have become the norm. The higher level areas are now more populated too.Of course having more players is not without its downsides. The more pronounced downside is that there seems to be an influx of rude and uncouth players running around. While it’s not as much as I normally see in F2P games it is still shocking to get told off by some low-leveled newb. In retrospect, this may be a good thing as well since it does provide a more “barbarian” feel since the world of Conan isn’t as nice and proper as the other worlds out there. Of course one of the biggest issues games must consider when altering their model is the “fairness” between those who are playing for free and for those who are willing to shell out for their characters,アラド戦記 RMT.Personally, I really don’t see why this should even be an issue,arado rmt, since people who actually pay to play Unchained expect bonuses for their patronage since they are investing on the game itself via-paying for the subscription. So free players can just suck their thumbs and cry for mommy because those who paid get &ldquo,DQ10 RMT;better” service.Also, I believe that the F2P system is more of a gauge at least for those who are coming in late to AoC to see if it’s worth their time. As I mentioned, the 14-day free trial before wasn’t enough to truly experience AoC and my engagement with Unchained hasn’t changed my initial impressions. You need to spend more than a month to truly enjoy playing AoC.Most of the locked-out features are for players who are really planning on investing more time and actual money on the game. Free players are definitely shortchanged with their “AoC experience” as the game follows Turbine’s approach and keeps the best dungeons and end-game content available only to paying players. Previous subscribers can rejoice in this since they still have bubbles of premium world to call their own.The Hybrid business model introduced the in-game currency system for all players where players both free and premium can spend more money to buy weapons, mounts, boosts and vanity items for their characters.There is not much difference between most F2P game’s premium shop and AoC’s since it offers all the same conveniences you would expect.In essence AoC hasn’t really changed in terms of gameplay and looks. The fact that the game is now more accessible to people is all in itself good. Comparing the pre Unchained days to what I see now, I can say AoC feels more alive than ever. On the other hand, the in-game store is a win-lose situation. For veterans it’s definitely a minus since weapon buying from the in-game store is like an insult to the many hours they spent farming gear on their subscription game. However, new players looking to spend can enrich the end-game PvP environment by gaining an advantage in gear to catch up to veteran players.The Hybrid system so far is a good enough system that makes the games a little less daunting for new players. There is one thing that I noticed. Even if the hybrid system “dumbed” the game down a bit, the learning curve is still steep. That should be enough comfort for veterans that at least the hours they spent playing AoC wasn’t in vain. I imagine the old veterans will be stomping new players into the ground in PvP into the foreseeable future.


Rupert Murdoch -- Accosted by Protester a

,ドラクエ10 RMT

80-year-old Rupert Murdoch was nearly PIED IN THE FACE during his hearing at Parliament today -- but the assailant actually got nailed, thanks to Mr. Murdoch's wife.Look closely at the video (below) ... you see the assailant on the left of the screen,DQ10 RMT. He then prepares to hurl the pie  -- which appears to be some sort of white foam in a foil pie dish,メイプルストーリー RMT. Murdoch's wife, Wendi Deng (pink jacket) ... hurls her body toward the man to block the attack. The assailant -- real name Jonathan May-Bowles -- ended up getting the brunt of it.Murdoch was in Parliament to testify about the News of the World scandal.

Jon Gosselin's Career -- Under Constructi

Sporting a rhinestone-free safety harness and hardhat -- former reality star Jon Gosselin was laboring away at his new J,pso2 RMT.O.B,ダークブラッド RMT. this week ,ドラクエ10 RMT... installing solar panels on the roof of a storage building. The ex-computer technician scored a gig with Green Pointe Energy -- a Pennsylvania-based company that specializes in renewable energy.  Those Ed Hardy shirts don't pay for themselves ...


UFC Suspends Superstar Fighter Chael Sonn

Ultimate Fighting superstar Chael Sonnen has been suspended by the UFC in the wake of a money laundering scandal ... TMZ has learned. Just yesterday, Sonnen pled guilty to money laundering in connection with mortgage fraud -- and now UFC president Dana White tells us Sonnen's contract has been temporarily "frozen."But White isn't turning his back on one of his most famous fighters -- Dana tells us,DQ10 RMT, "Chael Sonnen has gone through a lot in the last few months and we think it's important for him to focus on getting his personal life together before focusing on his career in the UFC."White adds, "I spoke with Chael earlier today and he agrees that setting priorities in his life is the best thing for him right now,メイプルストーリー RMT. I sincerely hope Chael is able to straighten out his personal life,aion RMT."Sonnen has reportedly struck a plea deal in his money laundering case -- and is expected to receive two years probation and a $10,000 fine.



昨日,沙坪坝区石碾盘劳务市场,陈芳的轮椅上挂满了用工招聘信息。记者 吴珊 摄



  14年前打工 摔成半瘫

  昨日,记者在沙坪坝区人力资源市场门外见到了陈芳,她独自一人,安静地坐在轮椅上,正在为一家餐馆的老板写着招聘信息。而在她轮椅的四周,挂满了招聘的字牌,吸引了不少求职者的目光。“她一般早上8点半来,下午4点多收工”,来此找工作的龚建芬说,陈芳的字写得很工整,很多人都喜欢找她代书,ドラクエ10 RMT



  曾想自杀 被网友骂醒


  因为工作原因, 陈芳的丈夫龚世茂不得不到成都工作,每个月有2000多元的收入。“丈夫是个老实人,这么多年他从来没埋怨过一句,每次我遇到困难了,他都会从成都赶回来”。



  儿子高考 想贡献力量




  “我曾劝过妈妈,aion RMT,让她不要出来,毕竟用轮椅出行很不方便”,儿子小苑在电话里告诉记者,可妈妈执意要做这份工作,他只好全力支持,并祝福她好运气。







  “非常感谢余老师,这么多年了,他还如此关心我这个学生”,说到余老师,DQ10 RMT,陈芳声音有些哽咽。本组稿件由记者 付迪西 实习生 夏超楠 采写

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Dr. Murray Trial -- D.A. Wants MJ Rehears

,aion RMT

Video of Michael Jackson's last two rehearsals for the "This Is It" tour could be played in open court during ,DQ10 RMT;Dr. Conrad Murray's manslaughter trial ... if the District Attorney gets his wish. The L.A. County District Attorney filed a motion today asking the judge to allow the rehearsal footage from June 23 and June 24 to be entered as evidence in Murray's trial.According to the motion, the D.A. believes the footage will support expected testimony from "This Is It" director Kenny Ortega that Michael was "happy and excited for the future."The D.A. says that testimony opposes the defense's theory that hours after the last rehearsal Michael "did a desperate act and took desperate measures that caused his own death."The D.A. also filed a motion to allow limited photos from MJ's autopsy -- claiming the pics are not  "gory or gruesome" ,ダークブラッド RMT... and won't prejudice the jury.

Passengers on capsized Baja California bo

Below is the list of passengers and crew on the fishing boat Erik that capsized in the Gulf of California,メイプルストーリー RMT, according to the Mexican Navy. Confirmed Dead— Leslie Yee, 65, from Ceres, California.___Missing— Don Lee.— Russell Bautista, 60, of Penngrove, California. — Mark Dorland, 62, of Twain Harte, California.— Brian Wong, 54, of Berkeley, California.— Al Mein.— Gene J. Leong, 67, of Dublin, California.— Shawn Chaddock.___Rescued— Roman A. Amador Farias.— Jose Maria Diaz Ordonez.— Marco A. Villa Bejarano.— Azor Quintana R.— Charles Gibson. — Cary Hanson.— Michael Kui Min Ng.— Jim Miller.— Steven Sloneker, 65, of Sonora, California.— Richard Ciabattari, 62, is of Novato, California.— Lee Ikegami, 66, of San Martin, California. — Gary Wong, 58, of Berkeley, California.— Craig Wong, 46, of Walnut Creek, California.— Glen Wong, 56, of Alameda, California.— Pius Zuger,ダークブラッド RMT, 73, of Novato, California.— David Levine.— Jerry Garcia. — Bruce Marr.— Adolph Joseph Beeler.— Marcelino Morales Villegas.— Robert Higgins.— Ross Anderson.— Crispin Contreras Montes.— Alejandro Bermudez E.— Miguel A. Lima Toledo,aion RMT.— Miguel Camacho Rubio.— Joel Castro Castro.— Carlos Miranda Gutierrez.— J. Rodrigo Romero Fernandez. — Hector M. Rubio Quintero.— J. Jesus Sillas Ruiz.— Jesus Alfredo Cesena.— Miguel A. Alcantara Castro.— Dennis Deluca.— Warren Tsurumoto.


'Teen Mom' Star In BRUTAL Catfight -- ON

"Teen Mom 2" star Jenelle Evans ferociously ATTACKED another woman in North Carolina this week ,aion RMT... while her scumbag friends cheered her on ... and the brutal assault was all caught on tape. 19-year-old Jenelle is clearly the instigator -- spewing all sorts of nasty insults at a woman named Britany ,ro RMT... before the reality star suddenly socks the other woman in the face with a closed fist. The two women tussle to the ground ... where Jenelle continues to pummel Britany ,メイプルストーリー RMT... even AFTER it's clear she can no longer defend herself. With Britany bleeding from her face, one of Jenelle's scumbag friends pulls the reality star off the other woman ... while Janelle continues to drop verbal insults. It's unclear why Jenelle wanted to fight Britany ... but sources connected to the incident claim it had something to do with Jenelle's boyfriend.Story developing ...


Soulcalibur 5, Tekken 3D Prime Edition Ar

Soul Calibur 5News (11)Previews (2)ReviewVideos (9)Screenshots (34)Cheats and WalkthroughsSoul Calibur 5News (11)Previews (2)ReviewVideos (9)Screenshots (34)Cheats and Walkthroughs Tekken 3DNews (4)Previews (1)ReviewVideos (1)ScreenshotsCheats and Walkthroughs Namco Bandai did some talking yesterday at Tokyo Game Show, confirming release plans for a number of its upcoming games. The highlight for many will be Soulcalibur V,ドラクエ10 RMT, which is expected to see a global release sometime in the first quarter of 2012.The Nintendo 3DS title Tekken 3D Prime Edition will be arriving at around the same time, only there's a more specific window of February 2012 for its arrival. Also set for early '12 releases are three PlayStation Vita games: Ridge Racer, Shinobido 2: Tales of the Ninja and, awesomely, Katamari Damacy.Finally,DQ10 RMT, the publisher revealed that Ace Combat: Assault Horizon Legacy,ダークブラッド RMT, the upcoming 3DS entry in the flight combat series, will arrive in the U.S. on November 15, roughly a month after the console version arrives.Source: GameSpot

Muska's Sponsor -- We DO NOT Condone N-Wo

Element Skateboards is taking a much more serious approach to Chad Muska's use of the N-word during his arrest this week -- now saying they are "extremely disappointed with his behavior."As TMZ first reported, Muska was arrested vandalizing two buildings on Wednesday night -- and hurled the N-word at security guards several times during the ordeal. At the time, TMZ spoke with a marketing director who played the whole thing off, telling us, "There is a major difference between n**ga and n***** and it's totally obvious he is not being racial at all."But now the company has toughened up and a rep for Element tells TMZ, "So that there is no misunderstanding,DQ10 RMT, the entire Element family is troubled by this incident and particularly by the use of this inappropriate language. Element does not in any way condone the use of this word,pso2 RMT. Element is extremely disappointed with the alleged behavior ,ダークブラッド RMT... [and] is further investigating the matter and will take appropriate action over these matters."


New Owner of Candy's House Got Money from


The 22-year-old woman who paid $85 million for Candy Spelling's estate took out an $82,434,060.42 loan -- from her mother!TMZ has obtained the deed of trust -- filed with the Los Angeles County Recorder's office -- which shows Petra Ecclestone became the proud owner of Candy's 57,000 square foot mansion on Thursday.The docs show Petra borrowed all but $2,565,メイプルストーリー RMT,940 (our calculator ran out of numbers for the cents) from Slavica Ecclestone, her mom.Slavica is flush with cash, because her ex-husband Bernie is a billionaire Formula One mogul and she did well in the divorce settlement.The good news for Petra -- she won't have to borrow much more from her mom, because sources tell us she's only going to make cosmetic changes to the mansion, leaving the bones in tact,ドラクエ10 RMT.

Sonic CD XBLA PSN trailer is a blast from

Sega has released a trailer for Sonic CD, which it has announced will be re-released for PSN, XBLA, PC, iOs, Android and Windows Phone 7 last week.The re-release will feature widescreen display,DQ10 RMT, iOS features, Xbox LIVE Achievements, PSN Trophies, PC Achievements and - most importantly - It will have the the original Japanese soundtrack,ドラクエ10 RMT.Check out the trailer below. Well done, Sega,ro RMT. Watch in HD No comments yet, be the first! Tamoor Hussain


Tiger from 'The Hangover' -- PARTYING In

The kick-ass, Mercedes Benz-destroying TIGER from "The Hangover" -- the one who was roofied in the bathroom -- is now making public appearances in Hollywood ... but she don't come cheap!!!The tiger -- named Schicka -- was a featured guest at Supperclub in L,pso2 RMT.A. earlier this month during a birthday party for nightclub promoter Tomik Mansoori. Sources connected to the tiger tell us ... party promoters shelled out $3,000 to rent the Schicka for the night ... and some guests were even allowed to feed her. FUN FACT: When feeding a tiger, keep in mind ... they LOVE pepper,aion RMT. HATE cinnamon,ro RMT.

National goes on attack against capital g

ONE News reported last night that the policy will include a capital gains tax and while Phil Goff is tryingto keep the details secret for another week, National is on theattack. 。Until then National is filling the vacuum, telling people that acapital gains tax won't pay for Labour's promises.。Goff is due to reveal Labour's tax policy next Thursday.。Labour is expected to announce a 15% capital gains tax,excluding the family home, next week but while their leader won'tdeny the policy, he won't discuss it either.。ONE News political editor Guyon Espiner said he understood thetax would not be retrospective, so profit that might have been madefrom buying a property some years before the tax was introducedwould not be taxed.。Key told the Wellington Employers' Chamber of Commerce meetingthat the $4.5 billion figure would mean the tax rate would be about30%, ONE News political reporter Michael Parkin reported.。"If they don't sell assets as they are arguing they won't, ifthey do have a $5000 tax free threshold as they are arguing theywill, and they do take GST off fruit and vegetables, they are $12billion in the hole for the first three years," said Key.。

    John Key - Source: ONE News

    Watch Video
    • National attacks capital gains tax (1:52)

        Property investors face capital gains tax under Labourwatch Guyon's Politics (3:57)Labour is promising a new policy which it says will change thecourse of the country.。"I find myself in an unusual position of announcing theirpolicies before they have," National's party leader said.。Espiner told TV ONE's Breakfast today that the 200,000 or sopeople with investment properties would "not like" the policy.。At a business breakfast this morning, Prime Minister John Keywas keen to get stuck in to Labour's policy.。"Let's look at how they spend it and judge them on that," hesaid. "If this is just to pay for their current policies I'm notsure it's going to expand their base too much,DQ10 RMT.。While the family home would be excluded, the tax would apply tobach, farm and industrial properties, Key said.。Espiner said he did not see the the tax gaining too many votesbut it would allow Labour to gain revenue.。National claims a capital gains tax is too complex to administerbut the Green Party said they can manage it in many othercountries, including the US, the UK and Australia.。However, he said most New Zealanders do not have an investmentproperty and that if Labour "can argue this properly they should beable to carry this argument".。"If they've got other ideas they can fund through using thismoney then maybe they can grow their vote base.",ドラクエ10 RMT。He said yesterday that the only winners from a capital gains taxwould be accountants.。Figures explained。On the basis of a 15% rate, if an investor bought an investmentproperty at about $400,000 and sold it for $500,000, making aprofit of $100,000,ダークブラッド RMT, the investor would pay $15,000 of that to theGovernment.。"We're making the announcement in full next Thursday," saidGoff.


Gears of War 3 ending revealed by Old Spi

In a strange turn of events The Old Spice Guy may have just revealed the ending to Gears of War 3. Epic design director Cliff Bleszinski tweeted the macho shower show-off asking if his "ripping abs will bounce the bullets of the Locust Horde back upon them."If you're confused, don't be. This isn't just some random male bonding between the pair. The Old Spice Guy (played by Isaiah Mustafa) has been announced by Bleszinski as a playable character in Gears of War 3's multiplayer.Old Spice Guy confirms that his torso is indeed bulletproof before revealing a shocking end to Gears 3 where war is rejected.Judging by the description of the ending,aion RMT, the nature of the Old Spice adverts and the fact Old Spice Guy refers to Gears as an FPS (twice,DQ10 RMT!) it's probably safe to say this is nothing more than outright jest.Besides, Bleszinski has already said that he fully expects the Gears franchise to continue once this particular trilogy has come to an end,メイプルストーリー RMT, and where there's Gears there's always war.


AnnaLynne McCord's Sister-on-Sister Kiss

,ro RMT

While she's reportedly dating "Prison Break" star Dominic Purcell,ドラクエ10 RMT, "90210" hottie AnnaLynne McCord kept it in the family by kissing her sister Angel on the lips while shopping at Barneys New York in Beverly Hills the other day,aion RMT.There's nothing like a sister's love.


It's a Small VIP World for the Kardashian

Escorted by security and a tour guide,DQ10 RMT, Kim,ドラクエ10 RMT, Kourtney and Rob Kardashian along with Scott Disick, little Mason, momager Kris Jenner and youngest sisters Kylie and Kendall Jenner enjoyed a VIP excursion on Disneyland's It's a Small World ride on Tuesday.The Kardashians really do live in one big fantasyland,ro RMT.

Liam Neeson -- Family on the Rebound

Joined by his two sons and fellow actor Aidan Quinn,メイプルストーリー RMT, Liam Neeson cracked a huge smile in some awesome courtside seats at the Knicks game in NYC on Wednesday,aion RMT.This story even has a happy ending -- the Knicks won the game,DQ10 RMT!



 大学はこの日午後0時半ごろから、前期日程の3008人分の合格者番号を本郷キャンパスに掲示して発表した,dragona RMT







韓国の首席代表、林聖男(イム・ソンナム)・朝鮮半島平和交渉本部長も同じ会合に出席予定で、この機会に南北や米朝が接触する可能性がある,RMT FNO。「米朝双方は国際原子力機関(IAEA)要員が原子炉や関連施設に立ち入りできると理解している」と述べた。ヌーランド氏は「現時点では米当局者が面会する予定はない」としているが、非公式な接触やスタインバーグ氏を通じた間接的な情報交換が行われる可能性もある。 米国務省のヌーランド報道官は1日、北朝鮮の核問題をめぐる6者協議の北朝鮮首席代表、李容浩(リ・ヨンホ)外務次官が7~9日、学術会合への出席でニューヨーク州を訪問すると明らかにした


  • 関連記事日本、6者再開に期待感 拉致問題は視界開けず(3/1)米朝合意、IAEAも歓迎 具体的交渉は長引く可能性も(3/1)中国外務省、米朝合意「称賛する」 副報道局長コメント(3/1)北朝鮮、6者再開への事前措置に前向き 米朝協議(2/26)。 訪問は、前国務副長官のスタインバーグ氏が学長を務めるシラキュース大公共政策大学院の招待,RMT ドラゴナ。 一方、ヌーランド氏は、朝鮮中央通信が伝えた米朝合意を巡る北朝鮮外務省報道官の発言に、米側が合意したとするプルトニウム型核開発に使われた寧辺の原子炉や関連施設の無能力化の確認が含まれていない点について、「相違点はない」と強調



 復興を妨げる大きな一因は、地震や津波で発生した大量のがれきだ。(2012年3月11日04時51分  デイリー新聞)。岩手、宮城、福島の3県では一人で生活していた18人が孤独死していたことが判明した。 3県で被災した商工業者のうち、22%は休業中か廃業を決めた。 岩手、宮城、福島の3県を中心に約34万人が避難生活を強いられ、東京電力福島第一原発事故で避難した住民の多くは帰郷のメドが立っていない。沿岸部の主力産業だった水産加工業などの再建も進まず、約6万5000人が職探しを続けている

11日は全国各地で追悼行事が行われ、地震発生時刻の午後2時46分、列島は鎮魂の祈りに包まれる。死者は12都道県の1万5854人。バスなど生活の足が不十分で、買い物や通院に苦労する高齢者も多い,RMT dragona。 被災者の大半は仮設住宅や民間借り上げ住宅で暮らしており、避難先は47都道府県全てに及ぶ,RMT FNO。雪の降る中、しゃがみ込み祈る人もいた(10日、仙台市若林区で)=竹田津敦史撮影

 巨大地震に端を発した大津波と放射能汚染によって、戦後最悪の災害となった東日本大震災は11日、発生から1年になる。 巨大地震多くの人が訪れた荒浜地区の慰霊碑



,RMT dragona








マカダミアナッツオイル 口コミ

マカダミアナッツオイルには美肌効果があります。売上No.1,RMT dragona!化粧品代用としても人気でバリニーズマッサージを始め...
。マカダミアナッツオイルの口コミ,RMT ドラゴナ

マカダミアナッツオイル 天然100%。 。 。





徹底的に改めたい」と述べ、再就職先を厳しくチェックする方針を明らかにした,アラド RMT。 橋下市長は委員会後、報道陣に対し、「再就職先が(元公務員として)ふさわしいのかをチェックすることが必要」と説明


 大阪府・市の職員基本条例案では、勤続20年以上の職員OBの外郭団体などへの再就職を原則禁止しているが、退職者の情報と企業・団体の求人情報を集約・仲介する府市の人材バンク制度を活用した場合は、再就職を可能とする除外規定を設けている,dragona RMT。条例案の中で、職員の処分に関する審査を行う組織として位置づけている「人事監察委員会」を活用し、調査する意向を示した



(ソース&イメージ: Destructoid),dragona RMT

2012年03月09日 12:30:28 / by ishigen様々な最新作や最前線技術の公開が続々と行われているGame Developer Conference 2012ですが、会場近辺にてなぜかGabe Newell氏のポスターが何枚も貼られていることがDestructoidにて報じています……それも顔面ドアップの


Destructoidが調査したところ、このポスターを貼り付けたのはJonathan Haggard氏なるアーティスト



同氏は『Team Fortress 2』や『Half-Life』、『Portal』などValveゲームを全てプレイするほど大のValveファンでもあり、路上パフォーマンスへの興味とそのValveへの愛が重なり今回のポスタープロジェクトを立ち上げたそうです



携帯電話事業に加えて、今後はメガソーラー事業への注目度も強まるとの見方が出ている,REDSTONE RMT





■「SB エナジー」公募案件で発電事業者に決定と発表  ソフトバンク グループで自然エネルギー事業などを行うSB エナジー株式会社(東京都港区)は8日、栃木県矢板市の大規模太陽光(メガソーラー)発電所の設置事業者の公募案件で、発電事業者に決定したと発表した



皮膚科 シミ 薬 ハイドロキノンク


。 アメリカや日本の美容皮膚科で美白やシミ除去に使用されている,ドラゴナ RMT。メラニン色素の生成を阻止する働きがあります。     ↓↓↓。 ,dragona RMT。ハイドロキノンを4%配合したクリームです。




 直球に威力があり、1安打しか許さなかったが、2四球を与えるなど内容は今ひとつで「バタバタした」,dragona RMT。得るものはあった」と振り返った。(2012年3月10日16時30分  最新新聞)

それでも、開幕投手候補らしく、三回はピンチを切り抜けてみせ、「(調整は開幕から)逆算している,ラゴナ RMT。 阪神4―2日本ハム(オープン戦=10日)――オープン戦初登板の阪神・能見が3回を無失点に抑えた




 10日午前9時5分頃、東京都渋谷区のJR渋谷駅埼京線ホームで女性が線路に転落、大宮発新木場行きの普通電車(10両編成)にはねられた,TERA RMT

(2012年3月10日13時02分  デイリー新聞),dragona RMT。この事故で、埼京線や山手線が最大約40分遅れるなどし、約5万人に影響した。




。。。クレンジングジェルを手に取ったら、額や頬、鼻、あごなど、顔の隅々まで行き渡るようにクレンジング剤をそっと広げていきます。動物看護士の資格。 。 クレンジングジェルは、いつもなにげなく使っていますが、正しい使い方を知らない方も少なくないと思います。

。まず、クレンジングジェルに含まれている成分で皮膚の汚れをそっと浮かせることが大切です,信長の野望 RMT。すすぐときは、冷たい水ではなく、ぬるま湯で流したほうがよく落ちます,ドラゴナ RMT。あまり強くこすり過ぎないように、手のひらと指でやさしく丁寧にクレンジングジェルを伸ばしましょう




。。医薬品会社も保湿クリームの開発に力を入れているようで、種類も豊富になってきましたね。欲しいもの ネットで買うならここが安い。お肌の状態というのは、人によって違いますので、必ずしも高級な保湿クリームが良いというわけではありません。
。 保湿クリームは、肌の乾燥対策には欠かせないものですが、最近は様々な保湿クリームがありますね。そのために保湿クリームを活用するのです。体内の水分が多く失われると死亡する危険性もあるのです,RMT ドラゴナ。 。自分のお肌に合っているものを選ぶことが大切です。そのためには保湿についてきちんと理解しておく必要があります。保湿とは、乾いたお肌に十分な水分を補充し、お肌に潤いを与えることです。ですから、なるべくお肌から水分が蒸発していくのを防ぐ必要があります。お肌の保湿状態がよければ、乾燥した環境であっても、お肌から水分が出て行くことはありませんので、美肌を維持することができます。お肌の水分が少なくなると、カサカサになり、お肌の表面の潤いがなくなってしまいます。

。。。保湿成分がたっぷり含まれた保湿クリームを毎日のスキンケアに取り入れて、お肌の保水力を高めておきましょう,ドラゴナ RMT。もともと人間の体の約7割は水分でできていて、水分が体内から失われることはあまり良くありません



,RMT dragona









家族への手紙を頻繁に書き、俳優の渡辺謙さんが忠道を演じた映画「硫黄島からの手紙」(2006年)で注目された。原山さんも「硫黄島では本を供え、石碑ができることを報告したい」と話す。 直高さんは震災後、福島第一原発事故で収束に向けて働く現地作業員を思い、硫黄島の戦闘の意味をより深く考えるようになった。
栗林忠道 1891~1945年。「矢弾尽き果て散るぞ悲しき」の決別電報で知られる。(2012年3月11日12時40分  デイリー新聞)。 直高さんは同協会に、「人間・栗林忠道と今井武夫を顕彰する会」の会長の井上昭英さんと事務局長の原山さんの参加を依頼し、認められた。 直高さんは「忠道だけでなく、武久への慰霊の気持ちを持って巡拝したい」と心待ちにする。また、同会は約250人から寄付を集め、忠道と今井の石碑を4月に建立する。 昨年は東日本大震災で中止となったが、今回は忠道の顕彰活動を続ける元教諭・原山茂夫さん(83)(長野市)らの同行も実現した

生家に残る栗林忠道中将からの手紙(左)と武久さんの写真を手にする直高さん 太平洋戦争末期に硫黄島(東京都小笠原村)の激戦で総指揮官を務めた陸軍中将・栗林忠道(後に大将)の長野市の生家を継ぐ親族・栗林直高さん(66)が14日、同島で行われる日米合同慰霊追悼・顕彰式に初めて参加する。大本営の方針に反して持久戦に持ち込み、将校の特別待遇も断った。 直高さんは、忠道の兄・芳馬さんの孫,アラド RMT。 当日は同島の陸軍兵団司令部(ごう)(栗林壕)や擂鉢(すりばち)山などの戦跡を訪れる。「命を賭して原発と向かい合った人たちと、圧倒的な兵器を持つ米軍と戦っていた将兵は同じ構図に思えた」。 原山さんは昨年、忠道らを顕彰する本を出版。直高さんは20年以上の念願がかない、昨年3月16日の式に参加予定だったが、震災の影響でかなわなかった。芳馬さんの子・武久さんも1945年(昭和20年)3月、兵士として硫黄島で戦死した。陸軍大学卒業後、南支派遣軍参謀長などを経て硫黄島防衛戦の総指揮官となる,ルーセントハート RMT。 硫黄島を訪問するには、戦没者遺族で作る硫黄島協会の会員になる必要がある



とっても薄く透明ですばやく溶ける避妊フィルム。。便利なフィルムとして頼れる製品です。 。VCF(避妊フィルム),ドラゴナ RMT。貴女も彼も何の違和感なく使用できるので。携帯からはこちらです。しかも、性的興奮が高まるジェル付き。

,RMT dragona。。VCF(避妊フィルム)


放射線研究、双葉郡に拠点 政権

 中間貯蔵施設は1カ所の方針だったが、分散させて用地を確保しやすくする,RMT dragona














,RMT dragona

村には約200人が住んでおり、さらに多くの村人が犠牲になった可能性があるという,RMT ドラゴナ。 アフガニスタン北東部バダクシャン州の村で4日夜、大規模な雪崩があり、AP通信によると、少なくとも37人が死亡した




康さんは無実を訴えた。70~80年代に韓国で政治犯とされた在日韓国人のうち元死刑囚の再審は初めて。 康さんは、「北朝鮮の指示で地下組織を作ろうとした」として国家保安法違反の罪で死刑判決を受けた,RMT ドラゴナ購読されている方は、以下のような関連記事も読めます

 康さんは再審法廷で、電気や水を使った拷問を繰り返し受けたことや、自殺予防として獄中でも手錠をかけられたことを振り返り、「私がスパイではなく、民族の平和統一を願う在日の青年だったという素朴な真実を明らかにしてほしい」と訴えた,ルーセントハート RMT。日本などの国際人権団体が救援活動を続け、84年に懲役20年まで減刑され、民主化後の88年に大統領特赦で「仮釈放」されるまで約13年間を獄中で過ごした。申し込みはこちら

    袴田事件、再審開始と死刑囚のDNA型鑑定申し入れ〈ひと〉再審無罪を勝ちとり元在日政治犯のため活動三鷹事件、再審申し立て 獄死した元死刑囚の長男
    • 関連記事名張毒ブドウ酒事件の奥西死刑囚86歳に 再審訴える(1/14)。 韓国が独裁政権下にあった1975年、ソウル大医学部に留学中に北朝鮮のスパイだとして逮捕され、死刑判決を受けた在日韓国人2世で早稲田大客員教授の康宗憲(カン・ジョンホン)さん(60)=京都市=に対する再審が8日、ソウル高裁で始まった。





 杉田氏は東京大卒で1993年、自治省に入省,dragona RMT

 杉田氏は今年2月1日、インターネットの会員制交流サイト「フェイスブック」で、リニア中央新幹線ルートに関する産経新聞の記事を批判。2007年から奈良県に出向し、健康福祉部長などを経て昨年7月から現職,RMT dragona。 奈良県の荒井正吾知事は9日、臨時記者会見を開き、4月から増員予定の3人目の副知事に、総務省から県に出向中の杉田憲英総務部長(42)を充てる人事案を県議会に提案すると述べた。 近畿2府4県で3人の副知事を置いているのは大阪府だけで、滋賀県は昨年、2人いた副知事を1人に減らしている




,dragona RMT

 民主、共産も同調する見込み。 大内議長によると、野村氏は調査協力を議会に依頼した際、「協力しないなら(職員採用時に市議が口利きをした疑いがある)書類を公表する」と述べたという

 大阪市特別顧問の野村修也弁護士が全市議86人を対象に実施する「口利き行為」調査について、市議会の第1会派・大阪維新の会と、公明、自民の3会派は7日、「市長側が議会を調査するのは二元代表制に反する」として回答を拒否する方針で合意し、大内啓治議長(維新)が維新代表の橋下徹市長に通告した,RMT dragona。議会側は代替策として自主調査を行い、3月末までにまとめる方向で協議している。この発言が議会内に広がったこともあり、回答拒否が急浮上した



本作は神秘的に描かれた砂漠をタイトル通り“旅する”というアドベンチャーゲーム,dragona RMT


(イメージ: PlayStation.Blog)


2012年03月10日 10:12:45 / by ishigen『flOw』や『Flower』のthatgamecompanyが送る期待のPSN最新作『Journey(風ノ旅ビト)』のローンチトレイラーが公開されました




 福島の子どもと保護者に心を癒やしてもらう「福島県の子どもたち元気回復事業」。 福島原発 東日本大震災に伴う福島第一原子力発電所の事故を受けて、岡山県教委が、福島県内の子どもと保護者に無料で岡山に滞在してもらう事業を昨年10月に始めたものの、応募ゼロの状況が続いている。


 県議会一般質問で、横田悦子議員の質問に竹井千庫教育長が明らかにした。県青少年教育センター閑谷学校(備前市)と県渋川青年の家(玉野市)の宿泊費と食事代を無料にする。 県教委によると、これまで問い合わせは4~5件で、利用は0件,dragona RMT。 県教委総務課は「利用がなかったのは残念だが、事業の意義はある。情報発信に努めるとともに、福島県在住に限っている点も再検討したい」としている,RMT dragona。ホームページでしか事業を紹介していないことに加え、交通費が被災者の負担となる点が敬遠された可能性があるという



直高さんは20年以上の念願がかない、昨年3月16日の式に参加予定だったが、震災の影響でかなわなかった。 直高さんは同協会に、「人間・栗林忠道と今井武夫を顕彰する会」の会長の井上昭英さんと事務局長の原山さんの参加を依頼し、認められた。 直高さんは、忠道の兄・芳馬さんの孫,アラド RMT
栗林忠道 1891~1945年。芳馬さんの子・武久さんも1945年(昭和20年)3月、兵士として硫黄島で戦死した。また、同会は約250人から寄付を集め、忠道と今井の石碑を4月に建立する。 昨年は東日本大震災で中止となったが、今回は忠道の顕彰活動を続ける元教諭・原山茂夫さん(83)(長野市)らの同行も実現した。「矢弾尽き果て散るぞ悲しき」の決別電報で知られる。陸軍大学卒業後、南支派遣軍参謀長などを経て硫黄島防衛戦の総指揮官となる,dragona RMT。 硫黄島を訪問するには、戦没者遺族で作る硫黄島協会の会員になる必要がある

大本営の方針に反して持久戦に持ち込み、将校の特別待遇も断った。 原山さんは昨年、忠道らを顕彰する本を出版。 直高さんは震災後、福島第一原発事故で収束に向けて働く現地作業員を思い、硫黄島の戦闘の意味をより深く考えるようになった。(2012年3月11日12時40分  デイリー新聞)。 直高さんは「忠道だけでなく、武久への慰霊の気持ちを持って巡拝したい」と心待ちにする。生家に残る栗林忠道中将からの手紙(左)と武久さんの写真を手にする直高さん 太平洋戦争末期に硫黄島(東京都小笠原村)の激戦で総指揮官を務めた陸軍中将・栗林忠道(後に大将)の長野市の生家を継ぐ親族・栗林直高さん(66)が14日、同島で行われる日米合同慰霊追悼・顕彰式に初めて参加する。家族への手紙を頻繁に書き、俳優の渡辺謙さんが忠道を演じた映画「硫黄島からの手紙」(2006年)で注目された。「命を賭して原発と向かい合った人たちと、圧倒的な兵器を持つ米軍と戦っていた将兵は同じ構図に思えた」。 当日は同島の陸軍兵団司令部(ごう)(栗林壕)や擂鉢(すりばち)山などの戦跡を訪れる。原山さんも「硫黄島では本を供え、石碑ができることを報告したい」と話す



 日本百貨店協会は9日、鈴木弘治会長(高島屋社長)の後任に、J・フロントリテイリング社長の茶村俊一氏が就く人事を内定したと発表した,ドラゴナ RMT

(2012年3月9日18時10分  最新新聞)






購読されている方は、続きをご覧いただけます。購読されている方は、以下のような関連記事も読めます。同議長も東部ベイダの出身だ。地域対立が激化する可能性がある,RMT dragona。 リビア東部は、石油資源が集中する一方でカダフィ政権時代に社会基盤の整備が遅れてきた


海外レビュー速報『Mass Effect 3』

2012年03月06日 19:43:42 / by riot_兄欧米では今週、日本でも来週ローンチを飾るBioWareとEAの大作アクションRPG『Mass Effect 3』,ルーセントハート RMT




原発が次々と停止していく状況であり、政治の責任としてこれでよいのか」と述べ、再稼働が必要との認識を示した。自見金融相も「(再稼働に)ビシビシ道筋をつけていただきたい,dragona RMT。 電力 政府は9日、全閣僚が出席する電力需給緊急対策本部(座長・官房長官

2011年5月16日以降は電力需給に関する検討会合)の議事概要も公開した,dragona RMT。 昨年7月20日の会合では、大畠国土交通相(肩書は当時、以下同じ)が「電力供給の道筋を示してほしい。再稼働に前向きだった海江田経済産業相は「ありがたいお言葉」と謝意を表明した






「東日本大震災復興支援チャリティコンサート クラシック・エイド」の会場に到着された皇后さま=代表撮影 皇后さまは10日、東京都新宿区で、東日本大震災からの復興を支援するチャリティーコンサートを鑑賞された。 コンサートの最後には出演者と観客が「ふるさと」を合唱し、皇后さまも口ずさまれた,信長の野望 RMT。(2012年3月10日18時59分  デイリー新聞),ドラゴナ RMT。収益の一部と会場の募金で購入した楽器などが岩手、宮城、福島県の小中学校などに寄付される予定


世界長者番付にValveのGabe Newell氏



そのため、Valveの半分以上を所有するというNewell氏の個人純資産は15億ドル(3月8日現在日本円で1,219億円)相当と見なされ、世界長者番付の第854位(1,dragona RMT,226人中)にランクインしました

2012年03月08日 12:06:40 / by riot_兄米Forbesが7日発表した世界長者番付に、Valve Corporationの共同設立者でマネージングディレクターを務めるGabe Newell氏の名前が掲載されています

デジタルダウンロードサービスSteamは年々成長を続けて現在は登録ユーザー数が4,000万を超えるといい、ゲームでも『Portal 2』などのヒット作を送り出しています

(ソース: Forbes: Valve's Gabe Newell Is The Newest Video Game Billionaire via Game Informer)

Gabe Newell氏は、巨額のストックオプションを得てMicrosoftを退社した後、1996年にValve Softwareを設立



,RMT ドラゴナ。嬉しいな~。それも家庭用だって。そりゃあ脱毛器を買うのにお金は掛かるけど、エステの比じゃないもんね!。 フォトフェイシャルで脱毛と美顔が一緒にできる美顔器が出たみたいですね。私は月々3,300円のローンで購入しました

数回エステに行くお金でずっと使えるなんて、ずっとお得じゃないですか!それも自分の都合のいい時間にいつでもできるなんて最高,信長の野望 RMT!テレビを見ながらできちゃうわけだもんね!。 。脱毛したくてもエステに行くのは面倒だし、お金も掛かる



。ボディークリームの選び方ですが、皮膚の上で十分に伸びるものが良いでしょう,RMT ドラゴナ。。お風呂からあがった後は、水蒸気と一緒に体全体のお肌が蒸発してしまいますので、ボディークリームを塗ることでお肌の乾燥を防ぐことができます。クロエサングラス。アミノ酸、尿素、PCA等の天然保湿因子、グリセリンなどは吸湿力があります。肌がしっとりと潤うような、サラッとした粘度の高すぎない保湿クリームのほうが、全身に塗る場合には使いやすいかもしれませんね。ヒアルロン酸、コラーゲン、エラスチンなどは、水分をたくさん含んで逃さない成分です。 保湿クリームというと、顔のお肌に使うことが多いと思いますが、全身のスキンケアにも役立ちますね。。いずれにしても、一番大切なことは、自分のお肌に合った保湿クリームを使用することです,RMT ドラゴナ。皮膚が完全に乾く前にボディークリームを塗るようにしましょう。







,ドラゴナ RMT
そんなときは、美容液を使う前に美肌クリームを塗ると効果的です。 美肌クリームは、肌のお手入れには欠かせませんね,C9 RMT



,RMT ドラゴナ

角川ゲームスは,ラゴナ RMT,2012年6月14日に発売予定の「LOLLIPOP CHAINSAW」(※ムービーファイルへのリンク






きっとあなたを10年前の自分に戻してくれます,ドラゴナ RMT!。
















トップレベルのプラセンタが登場しました,RMT ドラゴナ









Nine Muses、初ミニアルバム「Swee

 前作「フィガロ」、「ニュース」など計6曲が入った今回のミニアルバムのタイトル曲は「Ticket」で、8日0時に公開されるやいなや各種オンライン音源サイトのリアルタイムチャートにランクインし大きな反響を呼んでいる,信長の野望 RMT




 音源公開前に「Ticket」というテーマでさまざまなコンセプトを披露したNine Musesは、この日公開したミュージックビデオを通して空港や鉄道など交通分野で使われる受信号をダンスであらわした「受信号ダンス」を披露し目を引いた

ガールズグループNine Muses(ナインミュージス)が初のミニアルバム「Sweet Rendezvous」の音源を公開した

 ガールズグループNine Muses(ナインミュージス)が初のミニアルバム「Sweet Rendezvous」の音源を公開した

 なお、Nine Musesは8日午後、Mnet Mカウントダウンで「Ticket」を初公開する予定だ



(2012年3月8日11時12分  デイリー新聞),RMT ドラゴナ。 起訴状などによると、6人は「アノニマス」「ラルズセック」など国際ハッカー集団のメンバーで、国籍は米英、アイルランドなど。昨年5月ごろ、米カリフォルニア州にあるSPEのコンピューターシステムにハッカー攻撃を仕掛け、約10万人のパスワードやメールアドレス、生年月日などの個人情報を盗んでインターネット上に流出させた。攻撃対象にはソニーの関連会社のほか、任天堂、米上院、米メディア、中東・アフリカ各国政府などが含まれている,ドラゴナ RMT


 【ニューヨーク=吉形祐司】米司法省は6日、2010~11年にソニーの子会社「ソニー・ピクチャーズエンタテインメント(SPE)」やビザ、マスターカードなどにハッカー攻撃を仕掛けた6人を訴追したと発表した。 裁判所の資料によると、6人のうち罪を認めて捜査に協力した1人は2010年12月ごろ、内部告発サイト「ウィキリークス」への寄付の処理を打ち切ったビザ、マスターカードなどのウェブサイトに攻撃を仕掛けた



【ワールド統合記念イベント】/event/server/◆公式メンバーズサイト: /member/



ナイトオンラインクロス配信元エムゲームジャパン配信日2012/03/08<以下,C9 RMT,メーカー発表文の内容をそのまま掲載しています>大規模PvP RPG『KNIGHT ONLINE Xross』 統合イベント第2弾実施のお知らせ 株式会社エムゲームジャパン(本社:東京都江東区 代表:崔 炳台(チェ・ビョンテ)以下エムゲーム)が運営しております『KNIGHT ONLINE Xross』は、2012年3月8日(木)にワールド統合記念イベント第2弾を実施いたしました



◆ワールド統合記念イベント第2弾[勇往邁進!ネバーギブアップボーナス] 【イベント期間】 3月8日(木)定期メンテナンス後から4月5日(木)定期メンテナンス前まで【イベント概要】仲間たちと一緒に貢献度をためて、正式騎士団を目指そう,dragona RMT!! イベント期間中、見習い騎士団以下のクランに所属しているキャラクターでなおかつ、ボーナス支給条件を満たしている場合、PvPで敗北した際に通常であれば減少してしまう貢献度を逆に獲得することが出来ます






センターは2015年に完成する予定。 アンネの父オットーが創設し、現在はいとこのバディ・エリアスさん(86)が会長を務めるアンネ・フランク財団(スイス・バーゼル)とフランクフルトのユダヤ博物館が明らかにした,C9 RMT,アラド RMT。 遺品は一族の写真や手紙、家具など数百点で、独メディアによると、幼いアンネが使った子供用のいすやおもちゃ、アンネが祖母に書いた手紙などもあるという。 「アンネの日記」で知られるアンネ・フランクの一族の遺品が、アンネが生まれたドイツ中部フランクフルトで展示されることになった



執事たちの恋愛事情 執事たちの恋愛事情 執事たちの恋愛事情配信元タイトー配信日2012/03/09<以下,メーカー発表文の内容をそのまま掲載しています>大人気恋愛ソーシャルゲームがmixiゲームに登場!「執事たちの恋愛事情 for mixi」配信開始! 株式会社タイトー(本社:東京都渋谷区、代表取締役社長:和田 洋一、以下タイトー)は、株式会社ミクシィが運営するソーシャル・ネットワーキング サービス(SNS) 「mixi」にて、フィーチャーフォンならびにiPhone・Android 端末(以下、スマートフォン)向け「執事たちの恋愛事情 for mixi」の配信を同時に開始いたしました



豪華な大邸宅を舞台に、執事たちとの恋愛ストーリーが楽しめる,dragona RMT!「執事たちの恋愛事情 for mixi」では、普通の女子高生がある日突然、大邸宅のお嬢様となってしまうことから物語がスタートします

「執事たちの恋愛事情 for mixi」は、大財閥の邸宅を舞台に、専属の執事との禁断の恋や女の子の憧れのセレブでゴージャスな生活を体験できる恋愛ソーシャルゲームです

利用料:基本プレイ無料、アイテム課金制<関連URL>○タイトーWEBサイト:/○スマートフォン向け公式サイト「touch! play! TAITO」:○タイトーApps公式Twitter内アカウント:TAITO_Apps○タイトーApps公式FaceBookページ:TAITO.Apps



【コンテンツ概要】タイトル:「執事たちの恋愛事情 for mixi」対応機種:○フィーチャーフォン版Flash Lite(R)1.1以降対応機種(iモード(R)/EZweb/Yahoo!ケータイ)○スマートフォン版Android端末(OS:Android 2.2以上)/ iPhone3GS・4・4S※機種によりご利用頂けない場合があります

新機能「メッセガチャ」搭載,RMT dragona! 執事たちからの甘いメッセージを集めよう!これまでユーザーさまから頂いてまいりました「執事たちにこんな言葉をささやいて欲しい!」という声に応えるために、新機能「メッセガチャ」を搭載いたしました







Allods Online Begins a New Era on Februar

Tweet Allods Online: Game of Gods will reinvent itself with heaps of content to explore and challenges to conquer, but the hardcore... The new era begins February 15 when Allods Online: Game of Gods strikes North America and Europe, where it is known as Volume 5 in the great saga. The biggest expansion ever to hit this already huge MMORPG features the support-class Bard archetype, a PvP arena that pits teams of 12 against each other, and the deeply layered and dramatic Dead City Raid.Subdue your foes or boost your allies as a Bard with the power to lay down wide area-of-effect spells or channeled damage-dealing attacks. These versatile combatants can really turn the tide for a party in distress by adding to the whole group’s health, defense, mana, energy, or damage while stripping away harmful battle effects like slow or silence. They can even paralyze their enemies with a variety of curses, sap their strength and health, or make them flee outright. Elves, Orcs, Xadaganians, and Kanians will be able to take up instruments as Bards and bring the total number of playable classes to 34.Put all those skills to the test in the new PvP skirmishes which allows two groups of 12 to face off in the brand new Witch’s Hollow arena. Capture and hold special objectives against the enemy team to rack up points: whoever hits the goal first wins the match. Up for grabs is in-game currency that can be traded for legendary gear, Draconic relics, and other valuable items to make a strong character even better.The warriors of Sarnaut will need every ounce of power to take on the Dead City Raid with its three pathways, swarms of monsters, and ten ancient bosses. Rescue the ruined city but keep your wits about you: death is a real risk against these foes and only those who bring strategy along with strength can triumph. Battle on mounts for the first time, take on an enormous dragon, and discover the secrets of a familiar foe in this master raid for the toughest players.Allods Online: Game of Gods will reinvent itself with heaps of content to explore and challenges to conquer, but the hardcore MMORPG hasn’t lost its quirky sense of humor (as anyone who’s seen the Orcish Balladeer would agree). Be sure to check out the new video showcasing this updates features to get a real idea of what you’re going to be in for. But why does one video have a troll and crab? For the same reason the level cap will be increased from 47 to 51, of course! Gar Boss Dancing Warren Pet Dancing Pet New Mage Astral Demon Mausoleum Fire Succubus ›› More Screenshots 2:38 70% 30% Allods Online 3.0.0 Features Trailer Feb 1, 2012Views: 0 Allods Online breaks down exactly what's new in the upcoming patch. Play Video 1:37 85% 15% Allods 3.0 Teaser Trailer Jan 19, 2012Views: 697 Allods Online is starting off 2012 with a bang! Play Video 1:47 57% 43% Allods Online: Undaunted Trailer Oct 13, 2011Views: 2,835 Allods Online's October expansion, Undaunted, is now live for your enjoyment! Play Video ›› More Videos


Jade Dynasty Launches Empyrean Lands

Tweet ... Today Perfect World Entertainment announced the launch of Jade Dynasty’s “The Empyrean Lands” update, with the new Elysium zone!This new map is a PvP hotspot, and will give you the Chroma rewards you need to reach the pinnacle of Vitalic power. Challenge the three epic bosses for Kirin Sigils and endgame gear! You can reach Elysium by going to Dragon Mountain, either via the Royal Altar in the Divine Realm or by talking to Dragon Envoy Jassie in Sunstream City.Shangge, at the base camp on Dragon Mountain, can teleport you directly to Elysium, or you can climb to the top of the mountain.To reach Elysium, you’ll need to be Ascended Lv120, be Tier 5, have an Affinity and be at least Chroma Level 1. At the center of the Elysium map stands the Aeon Wat, a palace that will be the scene for thousands of PvP battles. With three floors to fight over, the Aeon Wat has space for both pitched battles and ambushes.The Empyrean Lands are full of Chroma power, and you can grab tons of Chroma Beads from kill quests and harvesting items. With a little dedication, and a watchful eye to keep from getting ganked, you can earn tons of Chroma Beads each day.If you can get enough players to agree to join forces, you can challenge Elysium’s three bosses, for prizes including endgame gear and Kirin Sigil.These titanic bosses will require at least twenty-man squads, equipped with high-refinery gear, to take down. The rewards are huge, but so are the challenges.Elysium will have a separate Marketplace, the Sky Exchange; some useful items from the normal Marketplace will be included, but the Sky Exchange will also have its own unique selection. Grab Empyrean Lands-only mounts with a fast +6.50 movement speed, or heal up with the Pearl of Vita and Aeon Shard batteries, including 30 million points of Health or Spirit.You can learn more about the Aeon Wat and Elysium’s PvP in this featured blog post, up now. Kirins Ruins Statue PvP 4 PvP 3 PvP 2 ›› More Screenshots 0:53 85% 15% Jade Dynasty Legacy Teaser Trailer Dec 5, 2011Views: 167 Jade Dynasty has revealed the details of Legacy, it's largest expansion since 2010. Play Video 1:03 85% 15% Jade Dynasty Path of Glory Trailer Aug 16, 2011Views: 690 Jade Dynasty is preparing for a major expansion release in September of this year. Known as the Path of Glory, it will include a rework... Play Video 2:01 60% 40% Jade Dynasty Global PVP Tournament Sep 15, 2010Views: 111 400 Master Warriors from 9 countries will compete for the ultimate glory! Play Video ›› More Videos


Daily Wrap-Up 2.02.12

The Daily Feed with Sara Underwood 2.2.12 » Xbox Live Silver members who download the Mass Effect 3 demo will get Gold status until the game's launch. Konami will at long last release The Simpsons Arcade Game for XBLA tomorrow and for PSN on Tuesday. Electronic Arts confirms that Starbreeze's upcoming Syndicate reboot will have no locked Online Pass content. Last year's Nintendo DS game Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective comes to the iOS App Store in North America. Xbox 360 users who buy Dragon's Dogma in May will receive early access to Capcom's Resident Evil 6 demo. We have a release date for the HD version of Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc. A group of Skyrim fans have taken Jeremy Soule's Dragonborn theme and created a rock remix. Alan Wake is finally coming to PC gamers via Steam on February 16. Find out what everyone is talking about when we check out one of the hottest movies at Sundance, Indie Game: The Movie. A few more, vague, details about Mass Effect 3's mobile tie-in have been revealed. Rockstar's balding hero is back with a new trailer for Max Payne 3. Final Fantasy 13-2 holds a variety of minigames and one of the hardest game's is Captain Cryptic's Confounding Quiz. Casey brings you news of a new trailer for The Secret World, marriage equality in Star Wars: The Old Republic, and Uncle Casey's Mail THQ's core games remain in development. THQ has announced Metro: Last Light has been delayed Still bummed that Ghost Recon: Future Soldier isn't coming out until May? Here are six reasons why you shouldn't be.


Alan Wake's American Nightmare Video The

Alan Wake's American NightmareNews (7)Previews (3)ReviewVideos (10)ScreenshotsCheats and Walkthroughs Everyone here at G4 who's played Alan Wake's American Nightmare has been raving about it. The combat, the mood, the style, everything. It's available now for download on Xbox Live, but if you want to try before you buy, we've compiled the first 15 minutes of the game in the video you see below: First 15: Alan Wake's American Nightmare »


Runes of Magic Helps You Score

Tweet Today marks the launch of Score for More, a new bonus program for Frogster's popular fantasy MMO Runes of Magic. In... Today marks the launch of Score for More, a new bonus program for Frogster’s popular fantasy MMO Runes of Magic. In cooperation with GAMINSIDE, the new system rewards all Runes of Magic players for their adventures in Taborea.In order to benefit from the new rewards system, players can activate their Runes of Magic account free of charge on the official website: www.scoreformore.net. From then on, they will collect bonus points, known as Action Scores, through their activity in the game. For example, actions such as logging into the game, completing quests and leveling up are rewarded with points. These points give players many advantages, including participation in special contests, and they can also be exchanged for exclusive items such as mounts and pets. Avid point collectors constantly raise their status enabling them to take part in beta events and receive free Diamonds, a virtual currency in Runes of Magic, as well as many other rewards.Those who already have significant Runes of Magic experience and a character at level 50 or over start Score for More with the prestigious Gold status right off the bat and can thus look forward to free Diamonds every month. Heroes who achieve the highest status, Royal Black, are distinguished with a personalized bonus card, which is their ticket to even more special events as well as exclusive contests and offers.The Score for More program is available for all players in English, German, French, Spanish and Polish. Hes got an Eye on you! Double mouthed dragon Looking catty! Room entrance Pyramids ›› More Screenshots 1:30 71% 29% Runes of Magic Lands of Despair Chapter 4 Trailer Jun 17, 2011Views: 1,963 Runes of Magic Chapter 4: Lands of Despair is officially released. This foreboding teaser trailer gives you a look at the forces of... Play Video 3:41 85% 15% VanCanto: Magic Tabora Sep 21, 2010Views: 1,049 VanCanto, the resident band of Runes of Magic, presents their latest song: Magic Taborea Play Video 1:25 60% 40% Warnorken Castle Trailer Jul 2, 2010Views: 45 Warnorken Castle isthe latest content update of the third chapter of Runes of Magic. Play Video ›› More Videos


Saints Row 3 DLC Gangstas In Space Annou

Saints Row: The ThirdNews (41)Previews (14)ReviewVideos (50)Screenshots (31)Cheats and WalkthroughsSaints Row: The ThirdNews (41)Previews (14)ReviewVideos (50)Screenshots (31)Cheats and WalkthroughsSaints Row: The ThirdNews (45)Previews (14)ReviewVideos (50)Screenshots (31)Cheats and Walkthroughs Sometimes, it's all about the title. "Gangstas In Space," a downloadable mission pack for Saints Row: The Third is available now for the 360, PC and PS3.For only 560 Microsoft Points on Xbox Live, or $6.99 on PlayStation Network and Steam, you can enjoy the majesty of this DLC, which THQ describes like this:"Hotshot director Andy Zhen has cast you as the star of his blockbuster opus, Gangstas in Space, a noble gangsta that must defend the planet against scantily-clad aliens equipped with laser beams, spaceships, and spaceships with laser beams. Along the way, you’ll mentor up-and-coming actress Jenny Jaros who plays alien Princess Kwilanna, and help her navigate the perilous waters of Hollywood stardom. Because their aint no career guidance like a gangsta’s career guidance."There's a trailer under the "Read More"tag, and it's as bat-sh*t as you might expect. "Gangstas In Space" also includes the alien spacecraft, the Aegian, new alien gang customization options, and new homies Kwilanna and Space Brutina.There's something about the blatantly over-the-top hysterics of Saints Row that always acts as the perfect counterpoint to most AAA game's serious-as-death vibe. I'm not making a recommendation or anything, but I will state a fact: I'll be downloading this DLC. What about you? Saints Row: The Third "Gangstas in Space" DLC Trailer » All of the best people are following Stephen Johnson's twitter feed. Also, email me if you wanna.


BioShock Infinite Release Date Announced

Bioshock Infinite will be released on October 16, 2012. so get ready, Irrational Games fans to take to the skies surrounding the floating city of Columbia as Booker DeWitt. The international release is set for October 19. These dates apply to ALL announced platforms: Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and Windows PC. NEWS: Bioshock Infinite: Even The Devs Don't Know The EndingThe first game was released in August 2007 and the second one in February 2010; Infinite marks BioShock's first true holiday season launch. Here's what Irrational's Ken Levine had to say in a prepared statement: "After BioShock, we had a vision for a follow up that dwarfed the original in scope and ambition. BioShock Infinite has been our sole focus for the last four years, and we can’t wait for fans to get their hands on it.”We can't wait either, Ken. For serious. In the mean time, why not check out our latest BioShock Infinite gameplay preview?


Skyrim Dragonborn Theme Rock Remix Starts

The Elder Scrolls 5: SkyrimNews (118)Previews (21)ReviewVideos (55)Screenshots (27)Cheats and WalkthroughsThe Elder Scrolls 5: SkyrimNews (117)Previews (21)ReviewVideos (55)Screenshots (27)Cheats and WalkthroughsThe Elder Scrolls 5: SkyrimNews (117)Previews (21)ReviewVideos (55)Screenshots (27)Cheats and Walkthroughs One of the most brilliant things about The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim is its insanely amazing soundtrack. A group of Skyrim fans have taken Jeremy Soule's Dragonborn theme and created a rock remix that sounds incredible. I really love video game remixes and this is one of my favorites so far. Check it out below. What's your favorite video game related remix? Does this one come near the top of your list?


Is Assassin's Creed 3 Set During The Amer

Assassin's Creed 3 may take place during the American Revolution if you believe this alleged leaked image. A Best Buy employee sent this image of an assassin behind an American flag with 13 stars to Kotaku. The assassin in the image may be a Native American judging by the arrows. Ubisoft is set to make a major Assassin's Creed 3 announcement on Monday, March 5th. As of now, this image has not been confirmed as official or even concept art. Do you want Assassin's Creed 3 to take place in America?Image via Kotaku


Seaman Coming To The 3DS

Dreamcast classic Seaman is coming to the Nintendo 3DS according to Nikkei. Gamers will have the chance to raise their own sea-boy-creature, but we're not sure when just yet. The reveal was in a feature about Nintendo's plan to revive other publisher's titles, Dreamcast's pet sim was among the mentioned games.I know the title, Seaman, is nothing but giggles, but the game was actually one of the Dreamcast's best selling games. It was originally released in Japan in 1999 and boasted the voice of Leonard Nimoy. Now that we know Nintendo will be bringing life to other publisher's titles, what other games would you like to see come to the 3DS?Source: Andriasang



Steam offers From Dust refunds

Valve has reportedly begun offering refunds to customers who purchased From Dust following complaints over publisher Ubisoft's online DRM. According to Rock Paper Shotgun, customers were originally informed that the god game would only require a one-off online activation, before Ubisoft changed its mind and started demanding an always active internet connection to launch the title.Ubisoft subsequently apologised for the "misunderstanding" by announcing plans to launch a patch for the game that that will remove online authentication DRM entirely, but it now appears to have gone a step further by asking Steam to offer refunds. If true, it's a big move by Steam, which doesn't usually offer refunds unless they're requested prior to a game's release.A couple of readers forwarded emails from Steam to RPS. They read: "Ubisoft has just announced that they are working on a patch that will eliminate the need for any online authentication for From Dust. The patch will release in approximately two weeks. If you don't want to wait for the patch or if you haven't played the game, per Ubisoft's request, we will issue refunds for this title. If you would still like your purchase of From Dust refunded, please reply to this ticket." Tom Ivan

Sony 90 Percent of PSN Users Have Return

At the Sony shareholders meeting today, the company said that 90 percent of PSN users have returned since the service was hacked. Have you? [AV Watch Impress via はちま起稿]

Batman Arkham City vs Adam West classic

(Please note: This is not an official Rocksteady game mode!) CVG Staff


Heroes of Might and Magic Online Review

By Jerrico Tan (JetSet), OnRPG JournalistMeant as a browser game for the Chinese market in 2008, Heroes of Might and Magic Online (or HoMMO for short) arrived to western shores as a standalone client game last June 2010. TQ digital, a Chinese game studio, based this game on Ubisoft’s best selling franchise – Heroes of Might and Magic III but this time added an MMO spice to it.For those who are unfamiliar with this long running franchise, this game is generally about the player being a hero of their race who sets out to become the ruler of their land with tactical prowess and castle management.When logging in for the first time, the game lets you select one of 8 factions. Each faction has its own town design with a unique set of racial units to choose from, and each of these units have their own tactical styles, thus spicing up combat quite nicely. For example, choosing the ‘Castle’ gives you human units that offer straightforward attack bonuses while the ‘Necropolis’ gives you undead units that specialize in devastating debuffs (one of these units even has a skill that can cut an enemy’s HP in half!).After choosing a faction, players must next create a hero that will provide commands to the selected faction units. They can choose from spell caster or melee type of hero. Both classes can choose the same illustrations/avatar pictures in the list, but their starting hero appearances are the same. You can customize your hero’s hairstyle and equip class specific armors later in the game.As I have said earlier, this MMO spinoff derived most of its elements from Might and Magic III. The classic hexagonal turn based battles are still here, but TQ added new kinds of exploration elements to it.The new kind of adventure element that separates this game from previous HoMM titles is the real time exploration. That means you can explore the beginner city of Harmondale and the rest of the world with your hero as an avatar. The realms outside the city are filled with wild creatures that can be farmed for items. There are also grinding types of quests that should be completed outside the city such as killing 8 wild beasts or reaching NPCs located at places in the middle of nowhere. You shouldn’t worry about finding the quests though because just like other Chinese MMOs (like Godswar Online), you can use the autopath feature to let your hero easily get to its required destination.The classic turn based world travel system is still here, but is now part of Episodic Quests that have to be completed for rewards. These quests can also be completed with friends through co-op. Supply items can also be collected here (all supplies that you have collected in the quests can be deposited when you’re back in the city).The city of Harmondale is the heart of the game. This is where you can sell and trade items, deposit looted supplies in quests, change your hairstyle and assign members for your army. Some special events (like trivia quiz contests) are held in the city daily. The main city is also the only place where you can gain access to your town.Your very own town is the only place where you can upgrade units, and each of them has their own respected houses. Players can only gain access to the higher-level units when your town has reached its house requirements. Fallen units from previous battles can also be used to upgrade its squad’s star level (raising star levels give great bonuses in the unit’s stats).Just like Might and Magic III, battles take place in a small arena with hexagonal tiles. Each player represents squads of visible units on each side of the screen. Ranged units can fire across the arena while melee units need to reach their opponents’ units first in order to attack. Heroes are on the side of the battlefield but can play an active role. They can only use spells learned in their spell-books (spells vary from powerful nukes to support buffs that can help your squads last even longer in battle).Another unique element in this MMO is its spell learning system. Proficiency points (which can be achieved through in-game battles) are needed to level-up your spells. Unlike the usual MMOs, higher spell-books are required to master spells.And lastly, through the game’s matchmaking system, TQ has perfected its PVP feature. Thanks to this, players are assured of having an even match against their opponents. Tournaments and ranking matches are held daily and winning players are greatly rewarded. These and many other features sum up to an MMO worth playing.But amidst all the features mentioned, there are still noticeable flaws and drawbacks. It takes a long while for a player who is new to Might and Magic to learn the game’s basics. The user manual is also misleading. The game was poorly translated in English and some game dialogues were difficult to understand (Gibberish characters always appear after texts which can be annoying). The graphics is outdated for its time (2008) and making it 2.5D clearly wasn’t enough to compete with other MMOs in the market. Non-paying players are also at a large disadvantage as there are no opportunities to obtain cash items, unlike other MMOsIn conclusion, TQ did a great job in making this a special MMO spinoff of Might and Magic III. Unfortunately, hardcore fans of the franchise might get disappointed about this one. The MMO elements that were added made it lose the Heroes of Might and Magic feel. Plus, the game itself is more about the growth of your hero and spells instead of town and unit management. Nevertheless, this is still certainly commendable since this game was developed by a totally different team and the game itself is meant for another audience.But despite all those issues, this unique Heroes of Might and Magic game is still one of the best strategy games around and is definitely worth a try. *Based on a highly acclaimed franchise. *Wide range of factions and tactical gameplay. *Great matchmaking system. *Easy to manage buildings and units.*Confusing game basics and misleading manuals. *Poorly translated interfaces/scripts. *Outdated graphics (for a client game).

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