
FIA to rule on F1 race in Bahrain

MADRID (AP)Formula One's governing body will decide Friday whether toreschedule the Bahrain Grand Prix for later this season, with somedrivers and team officials saying the race should be scrapped,ドラクエ10 RMT.Bahrain organizers say they are ready to host the race, whichwas to open the season but was postponed following anti-governmentprotests in February that eventually left at least 30 deadfollowing a brutal crackdown.The Bahraini government lifted emergency rule on Wednesday,maplestory RMT. TheFIA's World Motor Council will decide on rescheduling when itgathers in Barcelona on Friday.Local organizers are hoping for a date around the Nov. 13 AbuDhabi GP,arado rmt, which could push the season into December. F1 boss BernieEcclestone is in favor of the proposal.

