In the wake of the March 11 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami, former Shooto heavyweight champion and Pride veteran Enson Inoue has been on a one-man charity mission, Rift Gold traveling to northeast Japan to directly help those in need.
For his next visit to the Tohoku region, MMA Fighting joined Inoue to document the journey and bring new light to the ongoing crisis in Japan.
On day three, we stocked up on supplies despite financial issues, RIFT Platinum relive the nightmare of the tsunami and try to find the town that was Taro.
Today, we would be finally seeing the devastation caused by the tsunami.rift gold Enson had visited our destinations, Miyako and Taro, in his last trip to the Tohoku region and he was determined to bring a journalist there to document what he had seen.
Enson had grown an attachment to the evacuation centers in this area,RIFT Platinum and we stopped at a shoe store along the way to pick up shoes to bring along with the trunk full of clothes, toys and food we were already bringing.