
How to Modify Child Custody Without a Lawyer

Making the decision to modify child custody requires you to undertake one of the most legally complex and emotionally challenging of all family law proceedings. Despite the difficulty of child custody modification proceedings, you have the right to embark on such a case without legal representation. Before taking action, you need to understand the basic elements associated with how to modify an existing child support order without the benefit of legal assistance.

Step 1
Go to the clerk of the court. Obtain a motion to modify child custody form. Rift Gold Court clerks typically maintain the forms needed to address a variety of custody issues. In some locations, you can download these forms from the court's website.

Step 2
Complete the motion to modify child custody form, taking care to follow the instructions provided by the court clerk.

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Step 3
Include in the motion reference to "material change of circumstances." Use this language, or a similar statement. All states maintain laws requiring a demonstration of a "material change of circumstances" to modify an existing custody order. This type of change is one so significant that the current custody arrangement no longer serves the best interests of the child.

Step 4
Cite a specific example or examples of the change in circumstances to support your objective to change custody. A sufficient alteration in the status quo is a situation where the custodial parent develops a substance abuse problem.

Step 5
Sign the motion, RIFT Platinummake several copies and mail one of those copies to the other parent.

Step 6
Return to the courthouse and file the original motion to modify child custody with the clerk of the court. Some jurisdictions require payment of a filing fee for this type of motion. rift gold The clerk provides information about any necessary fee.

Step 7
Obtain a hearing date from either the clerk of the court or the administrative assistant to the judge assigned the case. At the scheduled hearing, RIFT Platinum present evidence to support your position regarding the requested modification of the existing custody arrangement.

