Capcom has released the first of a couple of patches that were in the pipeline for Street Fighter III: Third Strike Online Edition. This one adds YouTube video upload support to the Xbox 360 version of the game. As SF3 producer Derek Neal explains: "We're still experiencing some occasional hiccoughs with the XLSP server, so the service might go down intermittently. But it's up right now, and you can see the videos people have been uploading here."He goes on to confirm there's another patch on the way that will tackle other issues with the game. "We have a fix for both the '100 billion % disconnect rate' issue, and the 'it takes a long time to get in a ranked match' issue. These fixes, as well as a few more (an issue with Hugo's trial #2, a stun exploit in trials, etc.), will be making it into our next patch. We will also be raising the online level cap in that patch."Neal says to expect a date for that patch "early next week ... after we submit to Sony and Microsoft".He adds: "Further downstream, we're looking at all of your feedback for potential future updates (beyond the fixes in this post). So, please bear with us as we continue working to make this game even more awesome." Mike Jackson