The next instalment in the Dragon Age franchise will "surprise and delight" both fans of the original game and its more accessible sequel, BioWare co-founder Ray Muzyka has said. Speaking to CVG in a just-published BioWare video interview, Muzyka said future instalments in the RPG series will try to present a "best of breed" marriage of both Origins' and Dragon Age II's gameplay styles."I think the team has actually got a great plan," the BioWare boss said of the future of the series, adrmtdthe disclaimer: "we've not announced Dragon Age 3 formally or anything."He continued: "I think the team are going to have some things that will surprise and delight both set of fans - our core fans and our new fans - with a marriage, best of breed from both games, Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age II. We'll look forward to talking more about that."On critics of Dragon Age II's more accessible approach, Muzyka stressed his studio takes fan feedback very seriously and will be looking at the thoughts of both those for and against the last game in the series."One of our core values at BioWare is humility and that means we take feedback really seriously," he said. "We know that the core fans who were expecting more Dragon Age: Origins [from the sequel] - we have to listen to them. We have to respond to that."We're not going to ignore it. We're going to take that head-on. But we also have an obligation to our new fans, the ones who we surprised and delighted with some new approaches, accessibility and intense action combat."What we need to do as a developer is take the feedback from both sets of fans to heart and see about marrying that in the future games in the Dragon Age franchise."Hear Dr. Ray's full thoughts in our BioWare video interview. Andy Robinson